Capture reality, at vehicle speeds

Mobile Mapping System


Compact, High Density 3D Mobile Mapping System

The IP-S3 mobile mapping system offers high density, high precision, point clouds combined with high resolution panoramas from a system that is smaller, lighter and easier to handle.

IP-S3’s positioning system is an integration of an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), GNSS receiver (GPS and GLONASS) and a vehicle odometer. It provides precise positioning and attitude in a dynamic environment.

The rotating LiDAR sensor captures the environment with a rate of 700,000 pulses per second. During each rotation, the 32 internal lasers cover the full 360 degrees around the system, each from a slightly different viewing angle. This minimizes gaps in the point cloud which arise from obstacles or dead-angles and removes the need to install multiple scanners.

IP-S3’s six-lens digital camera system provides 360 degree high resolution spherical images that allow for easy feature recognition.

Mobile Master Office software handles all post processing trajectories and geo-referencing scans and images.

  • Integrated turnkey solution
  • Ultra compact design
  • Multiple lasers minimize scanning shades
  • Unparalleled ease of use
  • Factory calibrated
  • Full integration of cloud and images

MS Series SpecificationsPrint

Angle Measurement

Accuracy MS05AXII: 0.5” MS1AXII: 1”
Minimum Reading MS05AX: 0.1″ MS1AX: 0.5″
*ISO 17123-3

Distance Measurement

Reflectorless MS05AX: 0.5 to 100m MS1AX: 0.5 to 400m
Reflective Sheet 1.3 to 200m for both
Prism 1.3 to 3,500m for both


Reflectorless MS05AX: (1 + 1ppm X D)mm MS1AX: (2 + 1ppm X D) mm
Reflective SheetMS05AX: (0.5 + 1ppm X D)mm MS1AX: (1 + 1ppm X D)mm
Prism MS05AX: (0.8 + 1ppm X D)mm MS1AX: (1 + 1ppm X D)mm
Minimum Reading MS05AX: 0.01mm / 0.1mm MS1AX: 0.1mm / 1mm

Physical and Environmental

Ingress Protection IP-64
Operating Temperature -10 to +50 ºC
Storage Temperature -30 to +70 ºC

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